Success Stories
We love to receive updates from the amazing new families of former Phoenyx Farm & Sanctuary Residents!
We hope you enjoy seeing their happy, new lives as much as we do!
Al & Neegan
(adopted 2021)
We rescued “Ears” in October 2021. He was brought from Texas with Oliver’s mom who was pregnant with him at the time and unfortunately didn’t make it through the pregnancy. Once Ears was here, he did not want to be touched and was impossible to catch. He was previously branded with 666 and we had suspicion he was an ex-bronc based on his behavior. Al had come to visit after getting out of the hospital and these two immediately bonded. Al adopted him and they've been inseparable ever since. He brought him along to visit us when he hauled Hubert in for us! It was so great to visit with Ears, now known as Neegan. He is still very much a daddy's boy. Talk about fate. Their meeting was delayed because normally Al would have hauled him here for us if he wasn’t down from the accident, but fate made sure their paths crossed anyway. Neegan got his happily ever after! (Update: Dec 2024)
Riley & Casper (Adopted 2023)
We rescued these two from an abusive home toward the end of 2023. After healing all of their physical wounds, they are able to now heal their emotional ones with the help of their new family! Thank you Hedy for opening your heart and home to Riley and Casper to provide them a new, happy life!
Brandi was rescued and brought to us a couple of years ago and has suffered with a eye condition since. She was finally able to find her forever home and we are so happy for her!
Joey & Trigger
(aDOPTED ocTOBER 2023)
We could not be happier for these 2 bonded buddies and their beautiful new family!
Katie (Adopted 2023)
Katie came to us a few years ago from a friend who was unable to keep her due to her extreme separation anxiety. Katie was not a great match for many homes due to her anxiety and the stress it caused when her herd mates were moved out of the field. We were able to care for her until the absolute PERFECT home opened up to her just recently! Debra has opened her heart and home to Katie. She is now paired with one other gelding, Dusty, who adores Katie as well. Dusty recently lost his best friend which opened a spot for Katie and the two are perfect pasture mates! Debra sent us this check in photo 12/2023 and we could not be happier for Katie! Thank you Debra for giving our girl the chance she always deserved!
Ryan (Adopted 2020)
Ryan, now known as Teddy Bear, belonged to a friend of the sanctuary who passed from Cancer. Lynn entrusted Ryan to her best friend and he ended up here with us. After two years of recovering, Ryan is living his best new life with his favorite girl, Ren. In this photo from Sept 2023, Ryan & Teddy Bear are appearing in their first show together!
Sky (adopted April 2022)
Sky found her forever home with Nicole in April 2022!
(Adopted Jan 2022)
Petunia was bought by someone thinking she was a mini pig, when she got too big she was sold to a farmer and sent to slaughter. The farmers wife had reached out to our sanctuary in an effort to save her life and we agreed to care for her until a permanent home was found. A home was found for her in Rhode Island and with the help of many others, she was successfully transported to her new home!
Uno & Hayley
(adopted Oct 2020)
Uno was rescued a few years ago on Christmas Eve, Hayley was an owner surrender from someone who began showing Horses and was only able to have 1 Horse. A wonderful family adopted this pair in 2020 and still sends us updates! We received a wonderful video of Zak and Uno playing basketball in January, which you can view on our Facebook page!
(adopted October 2023)
Spirit was rescued from Slaughter in December 2019 and brought to our Sanctuary where he stayed for two years. He was able to fully recover from his previous life and move on to a new life. He now goes by the name Sterling and is in a home with a loving family that includes foster children. A great home for love and healing!
Nova (adopted dec 2021)
Nova was on a semi loaded with other horses headed to a kill pen and was trampled somewhere between Tennessee and Pennsylvania. When they arrived and off loaded, she was down and unable to rise she was so badly beaten. She was drug off the semi with chains and unloaded. Our Sanctuary had went to take in another horse from the kill pen and saw Nova, standing so broken, mentally and physically. She began to follow us through the kill pen and we took her home for the next year to recover her. In 2021 she found her happily ever after with Amy & Nate!
(aDOPTED 2020)
We could not LOVE this more! Two of our rescue horses that were adopted out to their forever home carried their family in their wedding! Magic is a Morgan that was rescued from his Amish owner when he was no longer able to pull a carriage 20 miles. His owner loved him and begged us to help find safe placement for the next chapter of his life. Gatsby is a Former Standard Bred Pacer that a friend of the Sanctuary had purchased from a kill pen in Shippensburg PA. The purchaser was unknowingly sending him to a faux 'rescue' in upstate PA, when it was learned this was not a safe location transport was rerouted and Gatsby came to us for quarantine and rehabilitation. We are so happy for Magic and Gatsby! CONGRATULATIONS BONNIE & ANDY!